Monday, 25 June 2018

For the record: a new book

For the record: Early in the new year I had an idea for a new book. I thought about it for a while but didn't start as I was also very busy with the launch of The Fine Art of Kindness. Eventually I started it on -- of all dates, the first of April -- but it was a tentative beginning as I was not at all sure where it was going to lead. Now, towards the end of June, I'm still writing and I'm feeling good. It has no title yet but it feels as though it (whatever it is finally called) is my most ambitious opus yet. I'll see how I goes but at the moment it feels like I have at least a year's work ahead. Watch this space.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Readers love 'The Fine Art of Kindness'

I continue to get good reader feedback for The Fine Art of Kindness. 
For example this came in yesterday: 
'...I started reading and couldn’t put it down.  Nice gentle story that will touch many hearts, I’m sure.  Do hope it is well received. I bought a copy for a friend’s birthday and I’m sure she’ll enjoy it.'
And this:  
'Thank you for your beautiful new book. … You write so beautifully and simply, it was a joy to read. I love the way the stories are about ordinary people leading ordinary lives. I have a friend from NZ  and I lent her 'To The White Gate' and she is anxious to read 'The Fine Art of Kindness'. I also must mention the cover, so beautiful and gentle, just like the book! Thank you so much for your fine act of kindness, best wishes.'